European Public Law and European Integration
Course description
The subject-matter of this course lies in the detailed analysis of the typologies of the evolution of EU Law and its influence on the European integration process as well as on various aspects of the economic, social and political life in the Member States. Particular emphasis is given not only on a more descriptive approach of the normative content of EU law provisions, but also on the assessment of the epistemological interconnections of the European public law with neighboring academic disciplines, mainly that of Political Sciences.
This class aims to provide students with tools for a critical understanding of the:
- evolution of European Union Law
- influence thereof on the maturation of the European integration process.
The main methodological objective that permeates this course consists in the attempt to point out the interaction between the basic principles of EU law as well as with natural legal orders. Particular emphasis is given on this interaction by referring in detail to various aspects of European Constitutional Law, European Competition Law and European Law on State Aid and the critical analysis of the relevant case-law of the CJEU.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students are:
- expected to be in the position to understand the theoretical interconnection of the basic principles governing the European legal order and develop their autonomous analytical critical thinking on the above
- supposed to acquire the necessary methodological tools for the comprehension of how EU law provisions affect neuralgic aspects of the political and economic life in the Member States under the prism of a detailed critical analysis of the case-law of the CJEU. This is also reflected on the methodology of the evaluation of the students’ performance, which consists in the assessment of their ability to critically analyze the implementation of EU law in concrete practical constellations.